Transit Oriented Development: Imagining the Possible
May 3, 2012
Today, the American Public Transportation Association shared with us an article on Transit Oriented Development in the Wall Street Journal. While this article is based on a development in New Jersey, we do not have to look far in North Texas for similar examples and the promise of even more mixed use developments along transit corridors. Huffines Communities Hebron 121 Station was one of the first examples to develop adjacent to DCTA‘s A-train line near its Hebron Station. The downtowns in both Denton and Lewisville are seeing more and more residential development within walking distance of the train stations. Victoria Station in Denton just opened a few weeks ago. And both cities have established Transit Oriented Development Master Plans which lay the ground work for more exciting projects. DCTA is committed to working with our cities and private developers to make TOD projects not only occur but succeed.
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Happy National Transit Employee Appreciation Day!
March 18, 2024
Join Denton County Transportation Authority in celebrating National Transit Employee Appreciate Day, March 18, 2024! Every year, DCTA celebrates bus and rail operators for their endless dedication and commitment to serving Denton County. This year, we are extending.

Upgrades coming August 19th – More Buses. More Stops. Every 20 minutes.
August 30, 2024
Upgrades coming August 19th will provide even more convenience for those taking the Connect Bus—all with the same excellent customer service you’re used to. If you are using our GoZone services between 7 AM and 9 PM, and.
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