It’s Been A While Since Our Last Blog . . .
June 20, 2012
Sorry, we have been delinquent in our blogging duties. We have been a little busy doing other things so let me catch you up since our last post.
On June 4, 2012, the Federal Railroad Administrator Joseph Szabo presented DCTA and Stadler with an Alternative Vehicle Technology waiver – the first waiver of its kind in the United States. This means that we can operate the new vehicles with the old ones and paves the way for DCTA and other transit agencies to operate lighter, more fuel efficient passenger rail vehicles in corridors that also run traditional rail equipment. This waiver is a result of years of study and collaborative effort between DCTA, Stadler, LTK Engineering and the Federal Railroad Administration. Full Press Release
DCTA had been working toward intergrating the new vehicles anticipating reciept of the waiver. With the waiver in hand, we started moving a lot quicker to start the vehicles into operation. On June 16, 2012 we carried our first passengers on the new Stadler GTW. DCTA plans to transition additional vehicles into service over the next few months with a full transition by September. DCTA will return the RDC (silver cars) back to DART as quickly as possible. Here is a glimpse of what the Stadler cars have to offer our passengers. Come for a ride and see for yourself.
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Happy National Transit Employee Appreciation Day!
March 18, 2024
Join Denton County Transportation Authority in celebrating National Transit Employee Appreciate Day, March 18, 2024! Every year, DCTA celebrates bus and rail operators for their endless dedication and commitment to serving Denton County. This year, we are extending.

Upgrades coming August 19th – More Buses. More Stops. Every 20 minutes.
August 30, 2024
Upgrades coming August 19th will provide even more convenience for those taking the Connect Bus—all with the same excellent customer service you’re used to. If you are using our GoZone services between 7 AM and 9 PM, and.
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