MARK YOUR CALENDAR: May Calendar of Events to Know
April 30, 2019

Summer is on the horizon, and here at DCTA we have many events, free ride promotions and ways you can get involved with helping us improve how we do business! From attending our May Citizens’ Advisory Team (CAT) and Open House meetings to learn about upcoming DCTA projects and share your feedback and riding DCTA free in celebration of National Bike to Work Day, check out all that’s happening here at DCTA this month:
Join Us at our May Social Service Agency Roundtable Events
We’re inviting all our nonprofit partners in Denton, Highland Village to join us at our quarterly Social Service Agency Roundtable events we’re hosting this month! You’ll be able to hear directly from DCTA staff on project and service updates that can positively affect your clients and discuss ideas to enhance how DCTA can provide service for those in need.
Below are the following meeting dates and locations:

R.S.V.P in advance to Kelly Briggs, DCTA Community Relations Manager, at
Make Your Voice Heard at our Citizens’ Advisory Team Meetings
Want to meet with our staff and hear the latest on DCTA news? Have a recommendation you’d like to give us? Well, this month is your chance to do just that at our May CAT meetings. Our Citizens’ Advisory Teams provides a forum to exchange information between our staff, passengers, and the community on transit-related issues. Public participation is critical as we continue to expand the public transportation opportunities available in the region.
Below are the following May CAT meeting dates:

R.S.V.P in advance to Kelly Briggs, DCTA Community Relations Manager, at
Learn About our Upcoming Projects at our May Open House Meetings
It’s that time of the year! Next month, we’re hosting open house meetings to garner feedback from the public on the following DCTA projects and services that are being proposed:
- University Pass Program Fare Change
- A-train Schedule Changes
- Denton Enterprise Airport On-Demand Updates

We’re hosting meetings in Denton, Highland Village and Lewisville. Can’t make one of our meetings? You can view our online presentation and provide feedback via the online form from Wednesday, May 1, through Friday, May 31. More information can be found at
#RideDCTA Free on Bike to Work Day
We’re joining the League of American Bicyclists and many organizations across the U.S. in celebrating Bike to Work Day by providing free rides all day to riders who bring their bikes on board select DCTA services on Friday, May 17. Bike to Work Day is an annual, nation-wide event that encourages people to try biking as a part of their commute during National Bike Month.
Passengers who bring their bikes on board can ride the following DCTA services for free:
- A-train Commuter Rail
- Connect Bus (Denton and Lewisville)
- Highland Village Connect Shuttle
- Denton Enterprise Airport & Lewisville Lakeway On-Demand
- University of North Texas (UNT) Campus Shuttles
- North Central Texas College (NCTC) Campus Shuttles
Passengers who plan to transfer to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will need to purchase or have valid fare for that portion of their trip. For more information about DCTA’s Bike to Work Day free ride promotion, visit
Excited about all our upcoming events and free ride promotions? Share us how you plan to get involved with DCTA this month in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!
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