Summer Guide to Building a Stronger & Healthier Body on our A-train Rail Trail
July 19, 2018

Did you know that only about one in four U.S. adults meet the nation’s minimum physical activity guidelines according to the National Health Statistics Reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? Just knowing that I’m one of the sedentary statistics makes me want to get up from this computer and take a walk!
The CDC recommends that adults get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity (or 75 minutes of vigorous activity) a week, but advise 300 minutes of moderate activity (or 150 minutes of vigorous activity) weekly for optimal health. In addition, the CDC says adults should be doing some type of strength training at least two days a week. Oy… I better get busy!
As I looked for opportunities to get more active this summer – because after all, strong is the new sexy – I realized that I have an outdoor gym practically in my backyard! After a bit of research, I was able to create a weekly workout routine on our A-train Rail Trail. So, check it out!
Walking Two Days Per Week
I’ve been taking a brisk walk from the Hebron Station to the Old Town Station. I park at the Hebron Station and walk a total of 3.6 miles to the Old Town Station, and then take the A-train back to my car. This walk takes me a little over an hour and I burn about 360 calories. It also helps to manage heart disease, high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, and strengthens your bones and muscles, improves your mood, and aids with balance and coordination.
Lazy Girl Tip: If you can’t get motivated to go for a walk, try chatting on the phone during your walk or grabbing a friend to go with you. Partaking in a juicy conversation makes the time go by so quickly!
Cycling Two Days Per Week
I’ve been jumping on my bike and going for a ride from the Hebron Station to the Highland Village/Lewisville Lake Station. Again, I park at the Hebron Station to kick off my workout. A one-way trip is 7.5 miles and takes about 40 minutes. I do my best to complete a round trip so that I can log a total of 15 miles and burn 1,125 calories! But if you can only make it half way, you can always ride the A-train back to your car.
Lazy Girl Tip: Not looking forward to that bike ride? Invest in a comfy seat and download an audio book. That combo is guaranteed to make you look forward to your ride!
Strength Training One Day Per Week
I totally know how difficult it is to get a workout in when you’re constantly on the go, so I just have to get my strength training in when I can. I ride the A-train often for work, so I take advantage of the time I have before my next train arrives. I like to do a mix of lunges, squats, tricep dips, calf raises, and a variety of arm workouts with whichever heavy bag I happen to be carrying with me that day. Overall, I can get about 10 minutes of strength training in on each end of my trip. I burn about 70 calories after 20 minutes of moderate strength training.
Lazy Girl Tip: Don’t be embarrassed. I know you’re thinking that other people might be looking at you, and maybe they are, but ignore it. You’re doing this for your health and you should be proud of yourself!
All-in-all, my A-train Rail Trail workout helps me stay active for roughly 300 minutes per week, which is in line with the CDC’s recommendation for optimal health. I’m also getting the added benefit of more energy and a bit of a tan! So, I encourage you to get physical this summer and check out all of the activities you can add into your day on the A-train Rail Trail.
Our A-train Rail Trail runs alongside our commuter rail line and was designed to complement its surroundings and adjacent facilities. The trail is part of DCTA’s ongoing efforts to provide safe, customer- focused, and efficient mobility solutions to Denton County. It will connect existing transit facilities with key destinations within its member cities – Denton, Lewisville and Highland Village. For more information about the trail, visit
Tell us in the comment section below how you plan to work out this summer on our A-train Rail Trail!
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